the National Catholic Reporter announced that Benedict XVI in one of
his final acts as pope has awarded himself the honorific title of
“His Holiness Benedict XVI Roman Pontiff Emeritus.” Benedict
will continue to wear his white cassock but will forego his red Prada
slippers in favor of a simple pair of brown shoes presented to him in
Mexico. He will reside in exile in the Vatican. He will reside
temporarily beginning this Thursday at the papal summer residence in
the mountains outside of Rome until his permanent residence, or as
permanent a residence as an 85 year old in failing health, both
physical and mental, can have located in a newly refurbished convent
inside the walls of Vatican City now referred to as a monastery
because it will be inhabited only by the “pontiff emeritus” and I
presume his staff.
little more than 48 hours the Cardinal Camerlengo will repossess
Benedict's gold ring and seal and declare the See of Rome to be
'sede vacante.' That official will then summon the 115
cardinal electors to Rome to select his successor. This summons is
mostly a formality since the cardinals are already in Rome
politicking for themselves or their favorite candidates. There are
117 cardinals under age 80 and who are therefore entitled to
participate and vote in the coming conclave. Two have announced that
they will not participate in the secret festivities. One of the no
shows is an Indonesian cardinal, Julius Cardinal Darmaatmadja, who
has announced that due to failing health and blindness will not
participate. The other is the recently resigned Archbishop of
Edinburgh Scotland, Keith Patrick Cardinal O'Brien who has been
accused by a number of his priests of “improper sexual conduct”
with them and who has consequently resigned his see.
is interesting to me that Cardinal O'Brien has resigned over the
accusations of sexual improprieties with adults under his
supervision but that none of the Bishops of the Roman church who have
been convicted criminally of actually protecting pedophiles in their
own dioceses or whose personnel records show that they have actively
protected pedophilic presbyters under their control over the last
thirty years have seen fit to either resign their sees or to recuse
themselves from the conclave and its deliberations. One of those
intransigent princes of the church, the Archbishop Emeritus (there's
that word again) of Los Angeles one Roger Cardinal Mahony has
insisted that it is his “duty” to go to Rome to participate in
filling the vacant see of Rome.
He has had nothing to say about it having been his duty not to
protect his priests from law enforcement and not shuffle offenders
from parish to parish in the dead of night one step ahead of the
sheriff so to speak. He does this even as he prays for forgiveness
for those people of his former archdiocese who have in his words
“humiliated” him.
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