Wednesday, June 5, 2013

North Carolina Repeals Its Racial Justice Act.

North Carolina is in a headlong rush back into the 19th century and honored its own brand of Traditional Values recently  by repealing the first in the Nation Racial Justice Act which allows persons convicted in North Carolina and sentenced to death to urge on appeal (and to establish)  that racism was a cause of their condemnation to the graveyard. It was enacted at the time when there was a progressive streak in the politics of the Tar Heel State  Those years were apparently sweet but short.News of this legislation  appeared in today's New York Times. You can read the whole article here.
The Act was enacted during the tenure of a Democratic governor. Mike Easley  and at a time when the legislature was not as populated with RWNJs as it is now. This repeal  is nonsensical. It is designed not only to grease the skids to the death chamber in that formerly slave state but allows North Carolinians to reminisce their way back to when the good old Southern tradition of the Lynch Mob was in its hey day. Apparently proponents of the traditional values of slavery, segregation and mob-imposed justice swinging  from the long leaf pine trees (pinus palustris) of North Carolina have succeeded in returning to the 'good old days'.
There is only one solution to this nonsense: the wholesale repeal of capital punishment throughout the Nation. It is intolerable that people can be put to death in anywhere in  the Union. It is barbaric, it is of no use in the prevention of heinous crimes and when it is erroneously imposed on a person factually innocent of the crime it is just as much a murder as any committed in this country.

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